Monday, April 16, 2007

Cyril The Great Magician

Cyril, a great magician who establish himself as one the hottest new stars in Japan and is taking the world by storm. Born and raised in Hollywood California to an Okinawan father and French-Moroccan mother, Cyril first encountered magic at age 6 when a family friend took him to Las Vegas to see a magic show. He was immediately hooked and began to practice magic everyday, often to the dismay of his parents and teachers. As a young teenager Cyril was accepted into the youth program at California's famous Magic Castle where, surrounded by his magic mentors, he began to gain skills that would help him to become a professional performer.

I have seen almost all his magic video clips and I keep some of it in my pc. Like the audience in the video, I'm pretty much impressed by his magic. If you would like to view his video clips, you can find it at YouTube website. You can order his magic show DVD at his official website too.


Anonymous said...

alright mannnn! your own blog!

meow meow / MeowX2 said...

yea, just started few days ago...
